Marietta Smiles works with its neighbors to help promote activities, events, and happenings in Northern Greenville County.

Let us know if you are interested in becoming a volunteer to help us with upcoming events or if you are interested in projects that enhance the appearance of Marietta's Miles!

2018 Agenda: To sign up for contests, use the form below

Independence Day all Week 

Travelers Rest Mayor Brandy Hart Amidon, Farmers Market Executive Director Valerie Richardson and Sara Crain Gilstrap (President of the Board of Directors TR Market) are key to the Kick-Off. Any Saturday morning, if you come to the market you can see the tremendous growth for the City of TR: new buildings, new facilities and The TR Historical Society will actually be lifting up and moving to site near the new Summary Court. 

The Kick Off 9;15 a.m Saturday, June 30th Traveler's Rest Farmer's Market: Mike Burns SC district 17 House of Representatives will say some opening words and then the fun begins with our Annual Kids Patriotic Bike Parade: this is a wonder to see! These kids know how to decorate a bike! 

Next is The Little Miss Sweetheart Pageant: young ladies old enough to walk, talk, know their colors, and give us a great big smile are eligible up to age 8. They dress in simple red, white and blue, walk to the tune of "Personality", played by the talented group: Stringed Keys. Diana Kilgore Compu-Counting, Inc. and membership coordinator for the Greater TR Chamber will conduct interviews with the young ladies. Earth's Creations of Travelers Rest Maria Passwaters and her lovely daughter Daniella are judges of the event. Also judging the contest is celebrity chef and general manager of Upcountry Provisions, Holly Whatley-Smith. Her song "La De Da" will be featured and played  by Ben Miller and his band Stringed Keys. 

Then comes the Iron Disorders Institute "Iron Butts and Knuckles Ride" the annual ride on the Greenville County Corporate Bike (thank you Ty Houck!) just before noon: we peddle together to raise awareness about anemia, hemochromatosis, sickle cell anemia, and other disorders of iron. Riders are people who have one of these conditions. 

Wrapping up on the 30th at the Market is Family Picnic Day: food trucks, music, games for kids, cold sliced watermelon and yoga.  Clemson Student and great videographer Cole Butenhoff will capture June 30th events. Thank you Cole! Thank you n28 Group for arranging this. 

In TR: On Sunday July 1st beginning at 5PM is the Patio Flavor--Deeco Metals open house. At 6PM they will host the Frozen Tee-shirt Contest.  Any age can enter the contest; it is hilarious! The first to open and put on the Tee-shirt wins. 

In TR: On Monday July 2nd, 7PM is the Moon Pie Eating Contest. This will be held at Upcountry Provisions. The contest begins at Upcountry with Chef Holly Whately presenting her famous gourmet "moon pies". Immediately after the contest, join us: Stringed Keys will be playing a special set at My Sister's Store while listeners munch on Moon Pies and sip sweet iced tea. Bring your family and enjoy this unique boutique! 

In Marietta: On July 3rd Beechwood Farms will roll out their Family Farm Fun Day from 10-2PM and on that evening the Slater Marietta Lions Club will present fireworks. See the Slater-Marietta Lions Club website for details.  

Use this form to sign up for contests

 According to scientific studies, smiles and frowns are contagious; so, if you had your choice wouldn't you rather catch a smile? 


Special Note: Marietta Smiles is a 501c(3); its tax return (990) is due on May 15. In 2018, candidates for its Board of Directors can be submitted by individuals who live within a 50 mile radius of Marietta Town Center (Hometown-Spinx-Slater Drug). The organization in keeping with its by-laws will be adding two new board members this year and two more the following. This provides for board rotation. These candidates will be interviewed and considered based on their level of involvement in the community and how they demonstrate a willingness to work together as neighbors within their own area or with other neighboring cities and towns. The first order of business for these new board members will be to coordinate with key people the opportunity participate in a community meeting. 

Becoming a member of the organization is easy: it is a one time $25 to join. Send a check to PO Box 872, Marietta, SC 29661. You will receive an email or letter confirming receipt of your membership. We prefer to not accept cash. This year if the response is strong enough, a decal of the Marietta Smiles Logo will be provided for business owners to place in their windows or for people to place in the back window of their cars, trucks, or vans.